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Aurore Caldwell
14 Feb 2012
Cotswolds, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,0 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: I have short dark brown hair and grayish blue eyes. I am of average height and build. I have a small mole at the corner of my lips and near collarbone. I prefer tying my hair neatly to prevent it from covering my face.

Mental Description: I am a laid-back person with somewhat lazy personality. I can be playful at times and love to challenge new things. Although I'm not one to make friends, but I will be very loyal and protect those I truly care about. Most of the times I rely on my intuition to decide things. I try to live my life to the fullest and not worry about useless things.

Biography: Although my family comes from a long line of pure-blood wizards, they are somewhat peculiar in developing curiosity for Muggle's life. My father even takes a side job as a technician in the Muggle world apart from being a freelancer writer of Daily Prophet. My mother also creates an orphanage where sometimes wizard children can be find there. I'm the oldest of four siblings. I attend an elementary school for muggles because of my parents' insistence, saying that the time has changed and wizards shouldn't stay locked up without adapting to the change. I graduate at the top 10 of my grade. I'm very close with my younger siblings.

First Instance of Magic: When I was 7, I accidentally make the papers float for a few seconds. Also when I was 9, I managed to open a locked door without touching it.