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Ashley Yarbrough
11 Nov 2011
Harrow, England
First year, Hufflepuff
29,8 cm walnut wood and veela hair
At 4 foot 8 inches tall Ashley is an average height and weight for her age. She has long, wavy, dirty blonde hair which she often uses to hide her face with her bright green eyes.

Timid and shy around new company Ashley is actually full of laughter among friends and family, always walking with an optimistic and intelligent sparkle in her eyes. She always willing to see the best in people and is very loyal and protective of friends and family, although she struggles to confront people for things they have done wrong as she hates confrontation. Ashely shows her affection for friends and family best through hugs although her timid nature often means she holds back and waits for someone else to ask or initiate a hug before she gives one.

Her mother and brothers recently moved to Harrow from Harrogate in Yorkshire after her father died suddenly in a motorcycle accident and mother wanted to move to be nearer family. Ashely is close to her older brother (Adrian, 19) who is very protective and supportive of her and she also in turn is protective and support of her younger brother (Ace, 9). Ashley may be close to her brothers and her mother but is more like her father in character and therefore sometimes feels misunderstood and lonely, especially after her father's death. The family are not rich but not poor, living comfortably.

The day she found out her father died, Ashley was called out of class to find her mother waiting almost in tears at the office. She was given no explanation there but was taken home. On the way home, Ashley's mother revealed what had happened...Ashley could have sworn her bag which was on the floor moved ever so slightly.