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Margaret Williams
09 Feb 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,8 cm aspen wood and thestral tail hair
Margaret is 4 feet and 6 inches tall ,She has dark brown hair with hazel eyes.She looks thin and fragile.

She is a happy but rebelious girl,She has a positive mindset and She has amazing grades, al straight A’s.She is an extravert who loves to talk to people and make new friends.She has many interests like painting,taking care of animals,going to parties and hanging out with friends she also loves studying in her free time and reading is an all time hobby of her.She was loved by her teachers from her old muggle school.

Margaret lived in the darker Alleys of London with her parents and her 3 onder siblings,thee immegrated as thee are originally from France,Marseille.Her father works in a little store and her mother is a house wife.She and her siblings all go to Hogwarts as she is the youngest of 4 children,3 Boys and her, but that makes her not scared of people easily and she dares to argument with everyone if needed.

She knew since her 10th birthday as she was playing with her eldest brother, she was plucking flowers as she was admiring a flower for a few seconds the flower that wasn’t fully grown yet grew a little bit more,she was scared because of this and dropped the flowers immediately,in the first few days she was way to scared to tell her parents but she eventually did because she thought something was wrong with her.