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Julie Jones
Wizard born
17 May 2012
Roan Innish, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
31,2 cm cherry wood and kneazle whiskers
My name is Julie or Juls, I have blonde hair and blue or grey eyes depending on my current mood. I have a scar on my eyebrow I got when I fell learning how to ride horses at seven years old that needed seven stitches because my adopted parents didn't know how to use magic since they are muggles.

I love animals more than people because you know where you stand with them and they will tell you how they feel. You can tell them anything that bothers you and know that they won't judge or tell someone your secrets. One day I want to own my own niffler because of how cute and cuddly they can be.

I was born in America and had amazing parents until there was a bad accident when they were trying to create a new spell that rebounded fatally while I was with my mom's friend and her young daughter. I lost both of them and was put up for adoption to a muggle couple that raised me themselves. They had no idea since I was only three years old what I was then. We moved to Ireland when I was five because my adopted father got a good job there.

The first time I used magic I was seven and I was riding my horse when he slipped on some ice and I threw my hand out and stopped us from falling. We were hovering in the air a few inches above the ground and I urged him to walk over the ice and onto solid ground on the other side where we continued our ride. I was so excited but as hard as I tried I couldn't do it again, my adopted parents thought I was just imagining things until my letter came in the mail!