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Lynx Gindelwald
20 Sep 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,4 cm cherry wood and phoenix feather
I am tall, I have long, straight black hair and I have it painted in dark green on the back and my eyes are apple green.

She is a kind and polite girl, she is a little bad-tempered but nothing out of this world.
My closest contacts are my parents and my 3 older brothers. I am the youngest of the 3. They have been in Slytherin for a few years and I think I will be there too, logically

She is an attentive girl with others and loves fantasy and romance books, most of all she reads poetry books, they are her favorites in general and her favorite animal is the white ferret.

My life before Hogwarts was really normal but I still knew about the existence of the school but most of all I liked being at home sharing new things but it had to be something that my father liked or else he would practice that.

My first interaction with magic was when I was angry with my brothers and one of them was levitating and I ran out to tell my father about tdhe accident. Later we were at the zoo and I was scared until a snake hit the glass. She disappeared and I got scared and she came out of her gaula and that would be it and after a while I received my Hogwarts admission letter.
and my family is one of the most rich in london and in the magic world