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Alice de Villiers
03 May 2012
Midhurst, England
First year, Ravenclaw
28,8 cm walnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:

Alice has light brown hair reaching just below her shoulders and eyes as blue as the deep sea. Her hair is thick, afflicting terrible wear and tear on all but the most durable of brushes. Her teeth are very well-cared for, but even her diligent oral hygiene can't prevent the slight gap between her two front teeth.

Her wardrobe consists of cheap, yet pretty clothes ranging from pinafore dresses with poofy-shouldered undershirts to simple jeans and polos. She has no particular love for fashion, but her sister does, so she usually let's her sister dote on her with pretty clothes.

Mental Description:

Alice has low self-esteem from a lifetime of feeling that she isn't good enough. She can't remember receiving very many compliments before moving into a house with her biological father. Even though her father is quite nice since learning that she exists, Alice still struggles to accept his love, affection, or kind words.

She is soft-spoken, yet intelligent. The tutors her mother insisted on were usually quite impressed by how quickly she grasped most subjects. The only shortcoming they usually agreed upon was that of her lack of confidence. She was smart, and she was talented, but she didn't seem capable of accepting either of those truths.

Though she is capable of opening up to people when she's around them for long enough, she tends to struggle talking to strangers. It's not that she doesn't know what to say. It's more that she simply hates having their attention on her while she talks. She much prefers to fade away into the background of other peoples' lives. In other words, she considers herself a side character in her own life.


Alice grew up in a wealthy wizarding family in France, but it was far from an easy, elegant lifestyle. Her every need was met. She dined well, her clothes were quite nice, and her mother loved her - in her own way, at least. Her mother's husband - Alice's stepfather - was a bit colder, but even he provided everything she needed. Even so, she always felt just a tad bit lonely.

She only existed as a result of a short affair between her mother and an Englishman, and most of her family was always quick to remind her of that fact.

Her six older siblings, with one exception, treated her coldly. They weren't outright mean to her - not directly, at least - but they were very businesslike in their dealings with their little half-sister. They would discuss matters such as her studies and her effects on the family's reputation, but they would not bond with her on a personal level. With this coldness came expectations: Alice had to be perfect, and anything else was harshly criticized.

Lucienne was the one bright spot in the sickeningly perfect world in which Alice grew up. Whenever the five others would make her feel like an outsider, Lucienne stepped in to pick up the pieces, offering words of comfort, hugs, and unconditional love.

That only changed when Alice met her real father. Her mother only agreed to allow it because of Luci's summer-long insistence. The meeting went perfectly, in a sense. Alice immediately connected to her father, so much so that when she left, she showed her first ever sign of magical potential by defenestrating her mother and locking the door by complete accident.

It was decided soon after that she would instead live with her father in England. He made arrangements with her mother that she would provide financially for their daughter's magical education at the UK's magical school: Hogwarts. Alice was ten when she moved there, and her father was happy to have her. They had years to catch up on, after all.

Luci was the only one to truly say goodbye to Alice when she moved to England, and she's now the only one who regularly writes and returns letters. Sure, Alice's mother was there to see her off, but there was no tear-filled goodbye.

First Instance of Magic:

As a child, Alice was assumed to have no magical potential. For starters, her actual father was a muggle. Then, she reached the age of eight without a single display of any sort of magic. It was at ten, when she was first introduced to her actual father that her abilities finally surfaced.

As it turned out, her mother had met her father whilst traveling to England for work. She'd soon learned she was pregnant and returned to France, leaving Alice's father all too ignorant of his coming child.

She'd first been so nervous to meet her father. She had no reason to be. After all, she'd studied English extensively in preparation, and England wasn't that far from Paris, so there was little to worry about. Still, intrusive thoughts gnawed at the back of her mind. What if he didn't want a daughter? What if he didn't want her as a daughter? Wouldn't he have reached out by now?

Alice had always assumed he wasn't keen to meet her, so when he'd pulled her into a hug as soon as he'd seen her, she was amazed that someone other than Luci could be so warm toward her. They went on to talk about everything, from her father's career to her own homeschooling.

The visit was short, only an hour or so, but when her mother tried to lead her outside so that they could leave, Alice threw her first ever temper tantrum, which ended in her mom being shoved magically away from her and the door to the small house slamming itself shut and locking. She had no control over any of it, but it was clear that the event was shaped by her desire to stay.

Her mom decided - with much probing from Luci - to simply ship Alice to her father's house to live.