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Shade Meadows
10 May 2012
Woodstock, England
First year, Ravenclaw
26,7 cm blackthorn wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description:
Shade is a 4' 6 girl with black hair that has dyed red streaks in it. She has tan skin and dark brown, nearly black, eyes. She's quite skinny, but has some muscle due to her love for acrobatics and agility training. She doesn't wear much makeup, but she loves lipgloss and a little bit of bush. When it comes to outfits, she loves spring and summer because she doesn't feel the heat much and can wear whatever she wants, in the winter she can't handle the cold at all and needs to bundle up in heavy jackets. She loves wearing dresses and flowy tops and skirts, usually in whites, reds, and greens.

Mental Description:
She can sometimes seem quite mean at first due the fact she unintentionally glares a lot, but she's very kind and tries to be friends with everyone she meets. She loves helping others out, and although is more of an introvert at heart, enjoys the company of others and meeting new people. If she sees anyone in need of assistance, she'll run to help them, or find someone who can help them, as fast as she can. Shade loves most of school, but when it comes to the subjects she's not as much of a fan of (such as History) she grows bored easily and can't get herself to focus on studying.

Shade grew up in a pureblood wizard household, since she was a child she was told about hogwarts and all the fun things she could learn to do here. She has an older sister who now works in the Wizarding World running a small potions shop, who she looks up to deeply and was the first person to show her how potions worked when she was little. She has a decent relationship with both of her parents, but she feels they can be very demanding as they have high ranking positions and feel that she needs to be able to live up to their status.

First Instance of Magic:
Shade's first accidental instance of magic happened when she was 10, and running around some woods by herself. She was messing around and jumping on rocks by a river when she saw a large deer on the other side of the stream. She was curious, not having been able to see many animals up close yet and crossed over the river to try and interact with the deer, but as she drew close he started to charge at her, and since it was summer the buck had long antlers that he could use to hurt her. Scared out of her mind, she closed her eyes and tried to cover herself with her hands, and when she opened them again she looked down to find herself 10 feet in the air. She was shocked, but having heard stories from her sister and parents about how their magic came to be, understood what was happening and was able to get her emotions under control and drop to the ground in a safe spot and get back home. After returning home, her parents were very worried about how she was, but happy her magic had manifested and proud of her for being able to get herself away safely.