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Olivia Roshan
12 Nov 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
25,7 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
She has blonde hair that has been dyed blonde. It curls naturally. Her glossy deep brown hazel eyes are from her father. She has a rather pale face with a stubborn nose in the middle of it. She has slightly bushy eyebrows above her stern eyes.

She loves to socialize with other people but when things go wrong she sticks to her friends. She is very nice most of the time, unless you push her over the edge. That’s when she get feisty and sometimes violent.

Her mum went to Hogwarts and then got employed by the ministry for magic. She met Olivia's dad whilst searching for a dragon causing havoc and he offered her somewhere to stay. After they got married, they had Olivia who they sent to muggle school although she got kicked out twice because of her magical incidents. Her father passed away a few weeks before she got her Hogwarts letter so because she is stressed she forgets things.

Someone had once stolen her bag that contained her lunch, pencil case, water bottle and her keys to get back home. After a very long argument Olivia stormed off with no bag and no lunch. To her surprise, it flew back to her, knocking someone over onto the floor. After, she was kicked out at the young age of 7.