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Clarence Winchester
09 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
30,4 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Clarence is kinda chubby boy. He is 145cm.He has black short hair and black eyes.He skin a bit too white.He got a litle scratch on his right check.Clarence has some respiration problems so he os very careful to not catch a cold or get sick cuz his immunity is pretty weak.

Mental Description: Clarence is a calm guy He doesn't talk to much and he hate drawing attention to him.He prefer staying and working alone. However he is a funny dude and likable but mostly he just look gloomy and wasted in his daydreams, but it's not like his introvert or he doesn't like people or something he just feels like it's hard to find some one that truly understand him and his unique ideas.

Biography: before Hogwarts Clarence is just a normal boy nothing really special.
He doesn't have much friends.. actually he doesn't have any at all. As for his parents or family His father is a doctor and His mother is a lawyer so he doesn't get to see them that much they are always busy.
First Instance of Magic: His first interaction with magic was one day when he was 9 years old while he was daydreaming by a lake, suddenly a small stick start floating around him and he managed to control it for a bit.