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Benjamin Psythi
05 Jul 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
25,4 cm willow wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: This boy is well known for his dewy skin, despite the clusters of acne on the less noticeable patches of his face, like the sides of his nose. He is about 5'2, on the plumper side, too. His hair is a beautiful raven black and messy as a crow's nest, with blue highlights that his mother let him get temporarily in memory of his father, Neptune Psythi. His eyes are a sort of greyish-blue, and he has a mole above his lip toward the left side of his face. His teeth are slightly wonky, with pronounced canines and a slight yellow colouring. He usually wears a binder, due to his identity.

Mental Description: Benjamin is diagnosed autistic. He understands the issues of the wizarding world and how he will not be able to do things as easily, or as quickly, at times. But, overall, he is quite nice and attempts to be kind to everyone around him.. but sometimes he can't exactly keep up with the constant demands of the trends of wizarding society.

Biography: Benjamin was born to Neptune and Theodosia Psythi on a warm July morning and grew up with the joys of a prosperous, pure-blooded family. However, he found himself without any friends, and instead took to playing with the various toys his distant family gave, proclaiming he was a 'poor soul', despite the fact he was quite happy, thank you very much. His father passed away when Benjamin was 9, dying peacefully, and leaving his son wracked with grief. Benjamin, or rather, Benjie, came out to his mother as trans the second he was presented with the stereotypical female lifestyle at age 8. Since then, he has thus, in a way, murdered the girl he once was, in replacement for a wonderful man.

First Instance of Magic: It was his last day of home-schooling, and he secretly wanted his Professor, Professor Luxembourg, to be gone much faster than their wrinkly little legs could carry them, so, by some 'miracle', he managed to conjure a gust of wind to knock them out of the door-way and out of his life.