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Aries Drake
10 May 2012
Tonbridge, England
First year, Slytherin
23,4 cm walnut wood and unicorn hair

5'0 feet tall with blonde hair and a strand of black hair that she dyed. She has blue eyes but likes to wear gold contacts, and a cherry blosom sticker underneath her left eye.

She can be really nice but can also be ruthless at times. She likes to read, and watch anime, draw, climb trees, and listen to music.

She grew up in Edinburgh, Scotland with her mother, grandparents, and her little brother who is just 7 years old. Her and her family then moved to Tonbridge because her uncle who lived in Tonbridge died and they went there for his funeral and ended up staying.
First Instance of Magic

Aries was climbing a tree and drawing while listing to her favorite music on her 8th birthday. It was a peaceful quiet day and she couldn't even hear the neighbors lawnmower over her music. She went up into the tree earlier because her little brother was being overly annoying and she needed some space. Her little brother snuck outside and tried to scream up at her in vain. After he tried and failed to get her attention he decided to climb up the tree with her. She still didn't hear him even when he was right next to her, so he tapped her shoulder and she screamed and the little branch next to her exploded with a loud SNAP! into millions of little splinters.

These r not my accounts and are friends because I had a hard time findng words to best exppres it.