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Henry Mills
26 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
32,7 cm hawthorn wood and horned serpent horn
Physical Description: Henry is tall, has a thin but strong body, has a slightly darkened blonde hair and yellow eyes. Even though he is half-blood, Henry grew up in a almost entirely Muggle world, except for his mother, who was a witch. Therefore, Henry dresses like Muggles, using T-Shirts, jeans, high-top sneakers, etc.

Mental Description: Henry is kinda shy, and introvented, but opens up to others when he gets some affinity with them, making him very extrovert when around friends. Henry, because of his shyness, is bad at expressing his feelings. Henry's parents are metalheads, which made Henry one too. And this made him develop a real passion for music, and drums. And he also compose his own songs.

Biography: I was born on 26th August 2012, to Mark Mills, a professional singer, and Judy Polt, also a professional singer. I have an older brother, called Arthur. He is 23 years old, and doesn't have magical powers.

I grew up in a family that always loved Rock, Glam Metal, Heavy Metal, etc. My brother is a super talended guitarrist. He made me like to play instruments. Dad always put Rock to hear, and it made me love Rock and its subgenres. Mom, always told me about magic, and Hogwarts, that one day, if I have magic, I could be accepted in Hogwarts, but I've never thought much on that. Mother and Father divorced when I was 9. It was a pain for me, since my dad didn't accepted it very well, reching a point that he threatened my mother with death, and we had to get protective measures against him. It was a difficult time.

I also love to play drums, which made me start doing drum classes. In a school that I made most of my friends. I haven't many of them, but those I have, are for all time. Now that I will join Hogwarts, it will be difficult to leave them..

First Instance of Magic: One day, when I was 10 years old, I was in my Music School, training in drums alone. I was playing a hard song from Metallica (a band in the muggle world), called Battery. After the guitar solo, there is a part when the drums are super hard to do, with double bass drum and a fast groove in the Hi-Hat and Snare. When I got to this part of the song, my right hand drumstick fell off, and then magically came back to my hand, and then I finished playing the song. And there was the time I knew that I have magic.