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Noelle Peele
16 Dec 2012
tonbridge, England
First year, Slytherin
33,9 cm chestnut wood and unicorn hair

4′7 feet tall, with straight light brown hair, and blue eyes.

She is kind and quiet and has mostly close friends

She grew up in the U.S. with her parents and her sister. They moved to London by plane in the winter then the airport couldn't fly them back because of the snow. They stayed longer than they planned to and soon after they went home. The family had a few years back in the U.S. and ended up coming back for the scenery and staying.
First instance of magic

A few years after her family had settled down in London she turned 9 and she got a new game that she had been wanting for the last few years. After she had played a few times and got a really high score she decided to let her older sister try and beat her high score. Her sister was around 13 years old and still couldn't beat her score. Later on her sister would practice at night when Noelle was sleeping to beat her high score. One day she challenged her sister again and she couldn't beat the high score even with all her practice. When she went to throw the controller to the floor in frustration Noelle jumped down to the ground to grab it so it wouldn't break, but she new she was too far. It was about to hit the floor when it started hovering in place.