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Eliza Bailey
07 Jul 2012
London, England
First year, Slytherin
28,0 cm walnut wood and dragon heartstring
Eliza Bailey is a bright and joyful person with long blonde hair and gorgeous blue green eyes that could be compared to the ocean, almost never ending. She may only be 5 foot but she is a kind and caring person with a huge personality.

As a Muggle-born, Eliza has know clue about the Wizarding world but is happy to learn all about it. She never fit in at muggle school, as she could read faster than both her parents by the age of 7. Her love for reading and writing knows no bounds, often finding rest within the pages of her favorite Muggle novels or scribbling away in her journal, where stories and ideas come to life with the flick of her quill.

Despite her imagination, Eliza's true magic lies in her kindness and compassion. She would always try to be her best and work as hard as she could at everything she did. A classmate needed help, she could help him, her friend was feeling lonely, she was there to listen with ice cream. Although she had to leave behind he old life, which wasn't much, she is so very happy to start a new one at Hogwarts.

Her first time ever experiencing magic was after she got the bed of her dreams, a bunk bed with a desk underneath, she was so excited that she ran up the later and fell off of the top. Her parents rushed to catch her but she floated down without ever realizing what had happened until she it the ground without a sound.