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Reya Baileys
13 Jun 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
34,0 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Pale skin, strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles, glasses.

Mental Description: Well behaved, kind, funny, loud in some circumstances, smart

Biography: I was always quite shy but when I met one of my best friends, I became louder and confident .I live with my mum and my brother, I have no pets currently, my best friend lives across the road from me and and we hang out everyday.
I never really knew my dad but all I knew was he was a muggle and my mum is a witch. She helped me read and write faster in school and I became one of the top readers in my year at school. My mum said he never really wanted to be involved with us anyway so when he found out my mum was pregnant, they had a mutual agreement that he never has to see us if he doesn't want to and does not need to pay any support.

First Instance of Magic: When I was seven, I was mildly arguing with my brother when I raised my voice a bit and the glass I was drinking from exploded out of no where. We yelled for my mum and she came in and we explained what happened. She said it was my first sign of magic.