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Violet Moon
04 Jan 2012
London, England
Second year, Slytherin
22,9 cm acacia wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Violet has brown hair with midi-bangs and green hazel eyes. She has a scar on her left cheekbone but it is barely visible. She also has a beauty spot above her lip on the right side as well as another one on her right cheekbone. She is about 149cm tall and of slim/athletic build as she loves moving around and especially going for long walks/runs.

Mental Description: Violet loves learning new things and while she has great respect for authority figures, sometimes her curiosity gets the best of her. She is very social and has an easy time getting to know new people although she keeps most of her personal things close to her heart, this way it may feel like Violet knows you, but do you really know Violet? She has a big personal space, and she decides who gets to take part of it - and she is very protective of those who do. She loves life and loves exploring and trying new experiences. She also absolutely loves nature, reading and drawing/painting and any other form of creativity.

Biography: Before Hogwarts Violet would be home with her mum as an only child. She did have an older brother who sadly passed away before Violet was ever born. Being a half-blood, her dad was certainly in for a wild ride when he met her mum who herself studied at Hogwarts. Her dad works as a carpenter and her mum works as an auror.

First Instance of Magic: While helping her mum in the garden, Violeta accidentally toppled over some kind of liquid that is supposed to help plants grow - but without touching it. Violet's mum squealed with happiness that her daughter also turned out to be a witch. Needless to say, said plant grew to be very big.