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Hayden Peverell
19 May 2007
Redruth, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,9 cm aspen wood and dragon heartstring
There is freedom waiting for you, on the breezes of the sky, and you ask 'what if I fall?' oh but my darling, what if you fly?
-Erin Hanson
Physical Description: Bright, almost emerald green eyes. Dark, wavy, light brown hair that falls to her waist, freckles on the nose and cheekbones, and full heart-shaped lips.

Mental Description: Hayden embodies the spirited essence of summer, with a bold and determined personality. She's kind-hearted, always ready to lend a hand and provide comfort to those in need. With her outspoken nature, she's someone you can rely on for honest advice. She finds solace in music and is fiercely protective of her loved ones. While she can be a bit sneaky and playful, her loyalty knows no bounds. People often compare her to the sun because of her warmth and brightness. Despite her background, she treats everyone with fairness and kindness.

Biography: Born in Greece, Hayden relocated to England at the tender age of 8 after the loss of her parents. She now resides in a welcoming townhouse with her grandmother, where the atmosphere is always warm and inviting. Hayden's fierce protective instinct extends to her younger brother, Theo, who is 6 years old and her constant companion in their cozy home.

First Instance of Magic: Hayden and her little brother were once at the park, where he was playing with an irresistibly cute stray cat. Suddenly, the cat turned aggressive towards him, prompting Hayden to swiftly step in front of her brother, resulting in her getting scratched. Then, an intense gust of wind, carrying a scent reminiscent of cinnamon, blew out, causing the cat to be knocked back before it scurried away. Theo clung to Hayden as she caught her breath, both wondering if what they witnessed was akin to the magic their grandmother always performed. With Theo's hand in hers, Hayden hurried to her grandmother to recount the strange occurrence, only to find her grandmother smiling knowingly in response.