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Tilda Springwater
28 Feb 2012
Cheshire, England
First year, Slytherin
27,7 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Tilda Springwater has brown hair, hazel brown eyes, is on the shorter side of height.

Mental Description: My character is smart and hardworking when she really wants something however most of the time she gives a lazy vibe. She usually has a stoic expression but someone close to her will know how she feels. She cherishes her friends, and though doesn't always see eye to eye with her parents (especially her father) she loves them.

Biography: Before Hogwarts Tilda would always have dinner with family, as it was important family bonding time. Though her family would usually have disagreements making dinner not very enjoyable. Her family consists of an older sister and a father and mother. When not hanging out in her room reading books and playing wither her cat she is with her. She is not good with loud noises and gets sensory overload when in a crowded space.

First accidental magic was on a particularly rainy evening, Tilda was sitting in her manors/homes library, huddled in the corner, overwhelmed by the sound of rain getting louder and louder. Holding her hands against her ears, eyes squeezed shut, she was not good with loud noises, her senses were taken over by the crashing of rain. She doesn't ask her family for help in these panic attacks as it shows weekness. This particular day the rain was just too much and she wanted it to stop completely. A feeling from her core took over her body and suddenly the rain stopped for about 5 seconds, until it crashed down. This was her first instance of magic, when she was 10 years old,