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Leonor von Hohenberg
31 Aug 2012
Derrybeg, Ireland
First year, Slytherin
29,8 cm mayhaw wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Leonor is a very slim girl, with no real shape due to her young age. She has grayish eyes, which aren't very expressive under normal circumstances. Her hair is completely black, contrasting perfectly with her pale, skin without any imperfections. She's neither short nor tall, in the upper-middle range for her age. Her style of dress is rather sober at the moment, often in white or navy blue.

Mental Description: Leonor isn't overtly mean, but she's not nice either. She doesn't express much to strangers, and doesn't care about them. You could say she's a narcissist, since she doesn't see the point of thinking about others. As far as she's concerned, as long as she doesn't find something to gain from her company, it's not worth it. Even so, she doesn't like to be alone, so she's constantly surrounded by people she considers false friends. It takes a certain amount of perseverance to become truly close to her.

Biography: Leonor has no emotional needs, and lives very well despite her parents' absences due to work. She's an only child and does very well, having dozens of servants to play with her in parents' Residence. Her family, pure-blooded and very conservative, hates Muggles and Muggles-borns, so they prefer to keep all such people away from Leonor. As the youngest member of the family tree, she's everyone's little protégée, and this suits her perfectly, since she's reaaally spoiled.
She's had very strict and rigorous schooling throughout her childhood, and has never had much free time to do things her own age. Apart from that, she plays the piano and does ballet, two disciplines that have shaped her body and mind since she was a child, and have led to an obsession with perfection.

First Instance of Magic: Looking for a book in the library, Leonor dropped it right in front of her after an hour of searching, without even understanding how she had done it. She was 6 years old.