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Shelley Woods
08 Jul 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Gryffindor
33,5 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Shelley is a lively girl with blonde hair framing her face. Her blue eyes reflect her curiosity, and she generally opts for a casual yet stylish wardrobe.Mental Description: Shelley is known for her vibrant personality. She is outgoing, witty, and has a knack for finding humor in almost any situation. Despite her rebellious streak, she places great value on authentic relationships and remains loyal to her friends.
Biography: As a born witch, Shelley grew up in the magical world of Dublin. Her family shares a passion for magical tales, and their home is filled with laughter. Before Hogwarts, she explored the magical districts of Dublin, discovering her connection with magic.
First Instance of Magic: One day, while exploring a mystical corner of Dublin, Shelley stumbled upon an old grimoire filled with spells. In a moment of intense fascination, magical sparks danced from her fingers, marking her first use of magic.
Likes: Shelley has a penchant for exploring magical bookshops and discovering ancient spells. She finds joy in brewing unique potions and experimenting with magical ingredients. Enchanted gardens fascinate her, and she often spends time surrounded by mystical plants. Shelley is an avid fan of magical creatures, with a soft spot for friendly house-elves.
Hobbies: She enjoys attending magical art exhibitions, where enchanted paintings come to life. Shelley also has a talent for creating whimsical spells that add a touch of magic to everyday objects. In her free time, she can be found exploring hidden corners of magical Dublin or attending lively wizarding gatherings.
Favorite Word: Shelley's favorite magical word is "Lumino," which she uses to cast a soft, comforting light in dark places.
Dislikes: She has a distaste for dark magic and values ethical spellcasting. Shelley isn't fond of arrogant wizards and witches who misuse their magical abilities. Additionally, she finds conventional sports like Quidditch less intriguing than the magical mysteries hidden within her world.