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Ezra Rumlow
11 May 2012
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
25,5 cm vine wood and phoenix feather
Ezra Schneider Rumlow was born in Germany at 05/11/2012. Ezra had his father's hair; Black and messy bangs that parted to the left, white skin, a dark brown iris, he wore a long dark red sweater, long black jeans, and a black shoes as well. He had his older brother's appearance.

Ezra wasn't too extroverted and more like an introverted type, he would prefer spending time with himself and he's rather shy but can be a bit chaotic when he gets close to his friends, he's also nice to some people and wouldn't want to waste his time arguing or fighting with someone, he's also calm and patient. Ezra didn't like being in the center of attention, he's always been afraid of public speaking and afraid of falling down from heights, especially if the heights was so deep or too dark for him to see. He liked seeing his room clean and organized as well.

his father is Brax Rumlow (a Muggle) and his mother is Nastya Schmidt (A witch), he also has an older brother; Atlas Schmidt Rumlow (A graduated half-blood wizard), who was 19 when Ezra was first born, ezra himself is a half-blood as well. he started spending more time with Atlas and starting to gain fears, he would get scared of heights. Ezra often would play outside the house, feed stray cats or dogs that were on the road, make a hole in the grass and just fill it with rocks, take a stray cat inside the house even if his mother doesn't allow animals inside the house and sadly, his mother divorced, Ezra and atlas has to go with his father and he was also homeschooled. When he grew 6, he started becoming more chaotic, he sometimes would steal a baseball bat from the garage and chase down atlas but luckily, his father stopped Ezra from chasing atlas with a baseball bat. When Ezra grew 9, his chaotic actions stopped and he was rather conscious of his surroundings, he started growing interests in Art and would try to sketch drawings he sees, he would also beg his father to let him join Martial Arts and his father luckily allowed him to join. On his 10th birthday, Brock, Ezra, and Atlas moved to Scotland and lived there, Ezra was a loner and he would prefer spending times by himself or with his family. His first instance of magic happened when he and Atlas were arguing until the window broke into pieces.

Ezra's first instance of magic happened after he moved to Scotland. Just as Brax wasn't home, Ezra's friends (their names and ages are unknown) hang out in his house they would make jokes or do pranks but when it got too far that his friends would start mocking their parents names, mocking dead people, insulting family members, and etc. he would stare at them while he tried to keep his calm even when he's swelling with fury, when he couldn't, he started yelling and screaming at them that he lost control of his magics, strange things started to happen like; objects starting to float, the lantern going out. Atlas immediately rushed in and witnessed the scene, he immediately kicked Ezra's friends out of the house and told them to never step into their house ever again then he would calm ezra down and take him to his room.