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Sofia Mamdanda
02 Aug 2011
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
25,8 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
[Physical Description: Sofia is a thin light skinned girl with brown hair, brown eyes and black glasses. She is 4'8". She has thick eyelashes that are hidden behind her glasses. She has brown eyebrows that are partially visible. She is super flexible and althetic

Mental Description: Sofia is smart, funny but kind, and a bookworm. She spends her days reading a book, and studying for tests, which she aces all of them. She is a loner and dosen't have friends but she will gladly help another student will their work.

Biography:Sofia lives with her mother and she is Muggleborn. Her father died in a car crash. She dosent have any friends at muggle school, which she used to attend. She took art, science, history, music, ELA,Latin,and math and excelled in all of them with all A+. She also was in a chess club and could play really well. She was at the top of the class in all her classes.

First Instance of Magic: When Sofia was 10 at her birthday party she accidently blew up her cake. She orginally thought someone had put a small bomb in it. Sofia didnt understand what happened until her letter from Hogwarts arrived. She was magical. She was super excited when she found out she was a witch. Her mother was super proud.