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Emmanuel Bourne
Wizard born
12 Oct 2011
Stanton, Cotswolds, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,6 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Emmanuel Bourne is a slightly scrawny kid, average height for his age.
Chestnut colored hair, cut in a shaggy taper fade.
Hazel eyes, more on the brown side. Doesn’t wear glasses.
Comes from a family of wealth, though his parents aren’t the wealthy ones (ie, generational wealth, but born to the more adventurous/ artsy couple). As such, he maintains a clean-cut appearance as per his household standard; although, his tie is usually crooked.

Mental Description: Emmanuel (Em for short) is a gentle but direct type. He is very respectful of his superiors, and can be bashful when confronted by them.

Much more relaxed, open, and fun around his close friends.

Em was taught to maintain appearances around bigger groups, especially when interacting with anyone deemed important. Due to his parent’s differentiation in personality, he can be much more relaxed in private.

Biography: Emmanuel was born in October of 2011, to Xavier and Matilda Bourne. Xavier is from a generationally wealthy, Pure-Blood family with a history of cutting off family members who bring disappointment to the Bourne name.

Matilda was rather reclusive during her time in Hogwarts, and met Xavier in their sixth year during their NEWT Care of Magical Creatures class.

Matilda and Xavier became inseparable, and eventually were recruited into a small group of Magical Creature conservationists. There, during a trip to Korea, they rescued and essentially adopted a Demiguise (named Chica).

To protect their identity after this trip, Xavier and Matilda settled down in England, and opened a small potions shop available in Diagon Ally. They sell pre-brewed simple potions for household and personal needs (think small pharmacy/ shop).

Emmanuel grew up between the potions shop, and their small cottage where Chica would daunt over him, ensuring he was safe at all times.

When Em was six, he was introduced to his Great-Grandfather Bortis Bourne, the patriarch of the Bourne Family. Rich, strict, and puts high expectations on his whole family.

Every summer, Bortis expected Em’s family, as well as cousins to live in the Bourne Manor. This is where he learned to be more reserved, and proper.

First Instance of Magic: Despite growing up in the wizarding world, Em’s first instance of magic didn’t occur until he was nearly 10 years old.

While sitting out in the frivolously cared for garden of Bourne Manor with Chica, his mother had just finished scolding him for over watering the freshly planted rose bushes. He had flooded them, causing them to uproot.

Em was upset, and crying while sitting on a retaining wall in the garden. As he did so, little sprouts started to come up from the muddy soil, and wrapped themselves around any garden tool they could find; sinking them into the ground.

They were only able to retrieve the tools once Em calmed down.