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Aurora Hargreeves
22 Nov 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
23,8 cm silver lime wood and unicorn hair
My name is Aurora Hargreeves. In terms of my appearance, I have chestnut brown hair that runs midway down my back and is naturally pin-straight every day of the week. My features are delicate yet somewhat defined. I have a pale complexion that compliments my hair and my dark blue eyes. I have freckles scattered across my face and a sharp jawline that adds to my personality and character. I Stand at an average height, around 4’10", and I try to carry myself with composure, grace and confidence.

In terms of my clothes and what I like to wear, I favour classic, elegant and timeless looks of fashion. I love the channel and Ralph Lauren style of clothing as it gives me a look of sophistication. I love to accessorise these looks with gold and silver jewellery, although I find that silver suits my style better creating a sharper atmosphere. My favourite shades of clothing include navy blue, slate grey, and cream and pearl white.

I possess a high intellect that is often curious and calculating, always assessing and paying attention to every detail and ongoing events around me, my mind works constantly and always at 100%. I often have a cold stare and show little emotion and thought to people I don't know. I often show my expression and feelings to my close friends only as it helps guard my thoughts and emotions.

Despite my sometimes quiet nature, I am quite ambitious and driven in things that I am passionate about. I have little patience for people and things that annoy me or are below average, or simply doing something wrong. I like to push myself and my friends around me to do the best I can as I hope we all grow up to do and be great things and people. I am loyal to a fault and I value loyalty and trust highly. I believe it is earned through actions and behaviour, I am friends with people I can trust, which makes sense if you think about it.

I was born into a family of both wealth and influence, I have been taught and guided from a young age about behaving and acting according to the pristegace lineage my family and I hold. I have been taught to navigate the world and society through grace and determination. My parents care and love me and push me to be the very best.

My first encounter with accidental magic occurred when my friend and I got into a fight. We were arguing by the lake as she stood in the water with her body waist-deep. As the fight escalated I felt a passionate frustration and anger building up inside my chest. Without any warning a blast of Ice and wind came from my hands and the whole lake froze over including some trees and plants to the side. It took hours to get my friend unstuck after we inevitably resolved our fight.

I was shocked by the grand scale of magic I had displayed. And although I tried to hide it by regaining my composure, I was excited and livid that I possessed such a strong gift for magic.