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Lorelei Day
23 Jul 2012
Plymouth, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,5 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Lorelei Day has gray eyes, and natural brown hair with yellow highlights. She’s 4’6” and pale. She always wears her family heirloom, a green rose necklace.

Mental Description: She’s very gentle and she likes helping people. Her favorite animal is baby Nifflers. She loves to read and write. Her older cousin, Lillian, is almost like her sister, seeing as they’re both only children.

Biography: She was born and raised in Plymouth, England. Her pureblood family had a history of being sorted into Slytherin, with a few exceptions. Her favorite cousin, a Ravenclaw, being one of them. Her father is an auror, and her mother is a potioneer. She grew up hearing that Slytherins are the best house and that muggle-borns are awful, and half-bloods are worse. Her parents took a lot of care to raise their daughter how they thought was best, even if they were wrong about muggle-borns and half-bloods.

First Instance of Magic: She was visiting her Great Aunt Grelda three months after her tenth birthday with her parents after her grandmother’s death, whom she was extremely close with, when she accidentally blew up all the glass in the house at once, moved by the sorrow of her grandmother’s memory. Her parents replaced almost all of it, but Grelda told them not to worry about her extremely rare and expensive collection of moving image stained glass windows.