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Denise Maxwell
Wizard born
02 Apr 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
26,8 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
has caramel color hair dyed in streaks of bright colors usually, hazel eyes, she is very pretty, her skin is peach, color her lips are red,
she is smart, a little stubborn, very talented singer and actor and has good grades in classes, she is very popular,
does a lot of extra activities, she is super brave, she is definitely not a teacher's pet, and she is very sensitive sometimes, she does not approve of any kind of criminal activity or dangerous pranks, she is very annoying if you get on her wrong side. sometimes she does things in the last moment but she sure is very creative when it comes to making crafts
her parents are henry maxwell and Dorothy maxwell, they were both wizards, but not pure blood, both of them are successful people she is an only child, she lived in the wizarding world, her father was muggle born and he discovered his magic abilities at the age of six. Denise lives in Britain, London in a house which can be accepted as a house belonging to a muggle Denise's first instance of magic was this.
she got into a fight with her friend Leiana, it was over who was the smarter, they both started fighting, Leiana got so mad that she threw a rock at Denise, Denise fell flat on her face but to her great Suprise she wasn't even hurt.