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Vixen Primrose
18 Jan 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
28,1 cm walnut wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: Vixen is a pale girl at around 4'8 ft tall and 75 lbs with long wavy red hair and wide olive-green eyes. She has light freckles spread across her cheeks, nose, and shoulders.

Mental Description: Vixen is a calm, reserved, quick-witted, intelligent, observant girl who doesn't particularly like starting conversations with those she is unfamiliar with. She keeps to herself most of the time but isn't afraid to converse with those who come up to her.

Biography: Vixen lives with her pure-blood family at their upper-middle-class home in London with her parents, Anne and Michael, and her little brother Lucas. Anne's mother, Constance, introduced Vixen to art and sewing, helping her develop painting and cross-stitch as hobbies. Even though they are pure-blood, they love working with creativity without the use of magic. She loves to spend her time with her grandmother painting and cross-stitching, and walking in the woods in the backyard, singing to the trees and feeling the breeze blow through her hair.

First Instance of Magic: Since her family is pure-blood, Vixen knew she was a witch before she was ever able to use magic. However, the first time she did at the age of 4, she was walking through her family's woods in the backyard when a dead tree branch fell from above. Vixen panicked and threw her hands up to block the branch and it stopped mid-air just above her head. When she looked, she saw this and moved to the side before putting her hands back down and letting the branch fall.