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Emily Shephard
08 Sep 2011
Belfast, Ireland
Second year, Duellist, Hufflepuff
28,3 cm aspen wood and phoenix feather
Physical Description: 5'0, has long brown hair tied back into a low ponytail with a pink ribbon (though sometimes wears a pink hairband on occasion), light skin, hazel coloured eyes. When not in school uniform, she likes to wear long skirts with dark coloured tights and woolly jumpers or cardigans.

Mental Description: Shy, kind, caring, friendly, slightly introverted, studious, clever, down-to-earth, values friendship over wealth. Soft, well-spoken and well-mannered although can be quiet due to her shy nature. She's also curious and adventurous. Despite her familial background, she remains compassionate and wishes to be friends with everyone she meets as she knows that friendship gives her more happiness than money ever could - a lesson she learns growing up.

Biography: Grew up in a large house with wealthy but busy parents, whom she'd seldom see a lot of the time (her mother, a global fashion designer, would be home once a week while she'd only see her father, a businessman, twice a year due to their demanding work). Often looked after by their maid, who was kind and patient with her growing up, whom she favourably nicknamed "Auntie". She went to a standard primary school where she thrived and made good friends.

First Instance of Magic: Accidentally broke a mirror when she got upset over how someone at school mocked her for her looks at age 10 at school in England. Once she felt angry, the mirror began to shake and shattered violently. The mirror was broken into a million pieces though luckily no one got hurt during the event.