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Hailey Moore
Wizard born
08 Jan 2012
Whitehaven, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,0 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: I have blue eyes, pale skin, freckles going across my cheeks and nose, i also have glasses, and i have dye my hair green on the tips. I like to wear a lot of black as well.

Mental Description: My mental state is good, i have a good family with a lot of kids in the neighborhood to play with so i'm outside a lot, i don't like physical touch very much unless i am asked or do it my self. Im very cold towards others, , i like to be alone usually, and i have a good hoby of painting, i like to read and do a lot of art for fun, sometimes i hang out with my family and friends if i want to.

Biography:i live with my Mother and father. They are very kind to me, I love my family, i don't have any siblings so i play with the neighborhood kids instead. I was homeschooled so i had a very good education since I also have a squib aunt that had a teaching degree for wizards under the age of 18.

First Instance of Magic: Please describe your character's first instance of accidental underaged wandless magic.
The first time i had used accidental magic was when i was around 9 or 10
I was eating dinner as per usual with my family, i was helping my aunt clean up the dishes after dinner and i had dropped the plate on accident, i put my hand out attempting to grab it, it was inches away from the floor until it just started floating mid air, all of my family were shocked including me, i look at my mom a very confused and shocked expression was on my face and she just had a big smile on her face and she said and i quote: "oh hailey! you got your magic!"