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Sanmiitai Chan
Wizard born
Southall, England
First year, Slytherin
20,3 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
 Hi! I am a young British girl with high hopes of success in Hogwarts, the school of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I have dark brown hair, pale skin that is often referred to as porcelain. In Hogwarts: school of Witchcraft and Wizardry, I hope to learn transfiguration, I love my life, and I think it would be amazing to learn how to transform into the amazing creatures I can only hope of seeing. I grew up in the city of Southall, England. It is a wonderful place. Very happy, with many happy people. It is wonderful to wake up in the morning to know that you get to go to the amazing Hogwarts! It is so fantastic! I have one loyal, lovable, and adorable pet, a black and white cat named Bean. I rescued her from under a tree and I was never able to part with her, so I kept her. My family is from no one special in the school's history, just some very intelligent parents. I never met my grandparents, but my parents are Lilith San and Zen Chan. They are very kind. I love my family, and I will do anything to make them proud. I am very shy, intelligent, and once you get to know me, I am a very happy, crazy, person. I am very artistic, and I love to look at bright colored stuff. I do not like being accused of something I did not do. My idol is Hermione Granger, she proves that girls are the best, and being smart is the new beautiful. In the future, I hope to be able to learn quickly and well like she does, and I hope to be very successful in Hogwarts.