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Dimitri Romanus
01 Aug 2012
London, England
First year, Gryffindor
27,0 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
New name request: Dimitri Romanus

Physical Description:

Dimitri is a 11 year old boy. He is 4 feet 11 inches in height. He shows promise of noble features like high forehead, sharp nose bridge, high cheekbones, and a strong jawline. His black hair is long and wavy, and is almost shoulder-length. The pupils of his eyes are blue. He has very pale skin.

Mental Description:

Dimitri is mostly brooding and thoughtful. However, when he's doing something that he's genuinely enjoying, or if the topic is very familiar, he can be quite garrulous. He is also kind and helpful, but keeps his friend group very small.


Dimitri comes from a long line of Purebloods, and from a noble and wealthy family. While perhaps not super-rich and not holding extensive lands and properties, the Romanus family have a very spacious house in the countryside. His father works in the Ministry of Magic while his mother is a high society lady and frequents society gatherings and soirees.

His life has been one of comfort and pampering till the age of 7, after which his father started insisting his some to 'man up.' This meant making him competitive through negative reinforcement. However, his mother continued to encourage him, although she too was very strict.

He's been lucky to have a friend group in the neighborhood, and thus has had a healthy childhood. They play board games, and play outside most.

First Instance of Magic:

This happened when he was 5 years old. On day his nanny and he were crossing a busy road on the way to a local Zoo in England. Dimitri was super excited to see the animals again, especially the cute little birds. In his excitement, he was almost dragging forward his nanny. Suddenly a car came speeding forward from a distance. In a panic, the nanny tried waving her hand to signal the driver frantically. The drunk driver swerved off in time to avoid the woman, but made a beeline for the young boy.

The wide-eyed boy stared at the oncoming car, his eyes wide, for he too was scared from the loud sights and sounds. However when he tried running away to a side, he explicably gained extraordinary speed and managed to reach the sidewalk in the nick of time. He was flabbergasted, as was her nanny, but she was primarily glad he was safe.

His parents were glad their son was safe, and understood what happened to be the first instance of magic. They were happy and overjoyed. As for Dimitri himself, he still felt a bit afraid when he remembered the situation: loud shouts, a chill in the wind, and an oncoming car. That left a bad memory in him, but certainly not a trauma.