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Lorna Moth
27 Aug 2012
Limerick, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
25,7 cm mayhaw wood and unicorn hair
She has shoulder length brown hair with side bangs and brown eyes. She is short, around 4'8 in height and prefers wearing dresses and boots before the discovering this world. Favourite colour is purple and blue.

Introverted and overthink a lot. Constantly worries about past mistakes, asking friends what's the next step rather than figuring it out herself. Now she has to be independent in this world. Read books a lot and loves both fiction and non-fiction. Loves to clean and organise her stuff. Does not like interruptions and distractions. Her hobby is painting and reading books. Though she may seem smart, she does not like to take risks.

Lives with parents and two younger siblings in a small house with nature surroundings. Has a good relationship with them all and trust family with personal issues. Has 3 close friends that can be invited over to home. Home life is pleasant and helps out with chores. Takes care of siblings and contacts close friends everyday. Her favourite dish is Shepherd's Pie. An advice that sticks with her: As long as you love what you do, always dare to try new things even if you fail.

At age 8, accidentally started a fire mentally while learning to cook with mom. Mom distinguished it easily. Lorna tries not to cook again but do help out with cutting of ingredients and washing of plates.