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Charlie Morrison
04 Oct 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
23,6 cm maple wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Standing at 4 feet 9.5 inches tall, he has short, tousled brown hair framing his face. His bright blue eyes are accented by a sprinkle of freckles across their nose and cheeks, adding a touch of charm to their appearance.

Mental Description: An 11-year-old with a contagious giggle and a kind twinkle in their eye. They're fiercely protective of loved ones, always ready with a witty remark to make others laugh and stand up against bullies.

Biography: Before Hogwarts, Charlie enjoyed a loving family environment filled with laughter and encouragement. They’re close with their younger brother, Adam, and older sister, Amelia, who he shared adventures and created lasting memories with.

First Instance of Magic: During a spirited family Quidditch match in the backyard, my Charlie's older sibling, Amelia, soared high on her broomstick, aiming for the goalposts. In the excitement, a stray Bludger veered off course, hurtling toward their youngest sibling, Adam, who was watching from the sidelines. With no time to think, Charlie instinctively thrust out their hand, and to everyone's astonishment, the Bludger froze in mid-air before gently dropping to the ground. Stunned silence enveloped the scene before erupting into cheers and applause as they realized Charlie had performed their first accidental underaged wandless magic. It was a moment of awe and pride for the entire family, marking the beginning of Charlie's magical journey in an unexpected and thrilling way.