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Rose Auckland
15 Sep 2011
Nottingham, England
First year, Gryffindor
31,9 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: I am an 11 year old girl with straight medium length light brown hair and blue eyes. I have somewhat fair skin and pink lips. I am a bit chubby. But I hope to grow out of it one day. I am about 4 foot 10 inches and I am a skinny little girl. I have thin fingers and small feet. I have dark eyebrows.

Mental Description: I am quiet at first, but when you get to know me, I can and (most likely) will get loud. I'm a soft person that doesn't really study for anything because I'm overconfident in my academic abilities. I am also pretty competitive. I am clever and sneaky and am very good at lying.

Biography: Before Hogwarts, I had spent my childhood running around Nottingham and living in my family's large estate. I didn't have any Muggle friends because my parents taught me that I should not play with Muggles because they are beneath me. My parents often left me at home and avoided me for work so I was raised mainly by servants.

First Instance of Magic:When I was 2 years old, I wandered over to a staircase and kept getting closer to the edge. Eventually, I slipped on the top step and fell down the stairs. But I didn't fall. Instead I floated down to the bottom stair just as my parents had rushed over to grab me and keep me from falling.