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Arthur Phillips
11 Jul 2012
Rye, England
First year, Hufflepuff
26,1 cm red oak wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description: Arthur stands at roughly four foot five with an often slouched posture. His dark brown hair is kept long and wispy as to cover his ears that appear large for his age. He has hazel green eyes and pale, cool toned skin. Like his hair his eyebrows can tend to run a little wild.

Arthur wears simple clothing in neutral tones. His wardrobe largely consists of browns with some deep greens and shades of blue. He's regularly seen in some sort of cargo pants and tee-shirt with a flannel or long sleeve undershirt. He might run a comb through his hair every morning but he seems unconcerned with his outward appearance or latest fashion.

Mental Description: Arthur tends to be more social around those outside of his family. He would not consider himself outgoing but enjoys being around others and listening to conversations shared by his peers even if he doesn't speak up, though he wishes he would more. His views can be rigid when it comes to following rules and he has a hard time wrapping his head around those that enjoy going against authority. Arthur is happy with simply existing in the now. He has never been one to focus much on the future. His mind tends to wander from one topic to the next so he is prone to daydreaming and from those interacting with him they might notice he is less present in their conversation and instead thinking about why or how a vine crawled onto that specific spot on the window behind them. He has a curiosity about the world around him especially coming from a mixed magical home. He might not have a temper or be quick to anger but once he feels frustration he can often be stuck in that frame of mind and quietly take time to brood or hyperfocus on the situation until he feels it is resolved.

Biography: Growing up an only child suited Athur. His parents focused mainly on him and with a stay-at-home mother he spent a great deal of time with her. He had a happy childhood growing up and was surrounded by a close knit family. Though his parents tended to spoil him they kept a healthy balance of guidance and responsibility. He is used to doing chores and accepts a "no" every so often if he asks for a sweet or two while helping his mother with the grocery shopping. His frustrations bubble to the surface mainly with his cousins on either side of his family.

At home his parents, Mary and Glen, were sure to educate him with general schooling topics before entering Hogwarts. Coming from a wizarding family herself and having graduated from Hogwarts, Mary was sure to introduce Arthur as much as she was able to the magical aspects of their world. Her sister, Jenny, was a witch as well and had married into a wizarding family meaning the cousins around his age gave him more wizarding children to hang around as he grew.

First Instance of Magic: While at a family gathering hosted by his Aunt Jenny, his cousins were poking and prodding at his ears. At five they still stuck out oddly from the side of his head. The torment of the jokes and giggles did more than just make Arthur become upset and cry. His hair began to grow from his mother's freshly done haircut. His brown hair turned to waves and curved down over his ears and to his shoulders, his chest, his wrists and continued until the boy sat hugging his knees and covered in a blanket of hair before the adult's came running to the sound of children squealing outside.