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Tristan Isla
Wizard born
03 Jul 2012
Westminster, England
First year, Hufflepuff
31,8 cm blackthorn wood and dragon heartstring

I am a medium sized boy with a little bit of chubb. I have black eyes small and short black hair. I have brownish skin. I have a small nose, and medium hands, feet, an arms. I have smooth skin. I have medium sized ears with detached ear lobes.

I like to joke, eat, sleep, and relax. I have a Goofy personality but I can be serious when the time calls for serious. I am very short tempered and easily annoyed. I do not like sports but I do enjoy a good game of chess. I am an Introvert and hate teamwork. I enjoy the Fantastic Beasts of the magic world and muggle world. I am optimistic. I hate being touched by others without my permission. I hate jokes about controversial things

I have a loving and magical home family, I have a Mom, Dad, (17 year) Brother, and (10) Sister. We all know magic at different levels. My father and Mother fell in love at their time at Hogwarts. I have two wizard friends. Who are proficient at magic. We all live in Westminster, London

When I was walking in the muggle city of Leicester Square I was walking in with my parents when I was looking at a candy shop a muggle bumped into me and I ended up in a sea of M&Ms. This happened at the age of 10