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Daisy William
14 Dec 2011
Oxford, England
First year, Gryffindor
23,9 cm chestnut wood and kneazle whiskers
Physical Description: Daisy is a girl of average height, she has wavy blonde hair, blue eyes, and she has fairly fair skin. Her favorite color is pink, so she dresses in that color almost all the time.

Mental Description: Daisy was born into a pure-blood wizard family. She is very haughty and cold towards people she doesn't know or doesn't like. She wants to succeed during her years at Hogwarts and she is quite vicious. She doesn't like muggle-borns.

Biography: Before arriving at Hogwarts, her life was quite eventful, in fact her grandfather fell seriously ill, but Daisy's parents constantly told her not to worry about her grandfather. They preferred that she revise her courses before even receiving her letter to be sure that she would succeed in her years. Daisy is an only daughter. She was always raised with a deep hatred towards muggles. Daisy never understood why they hated them, but after hearing all sorts of things about them, she had started to hate them too.

First Instance of Magic: The first time Daisy did magic, she was two years old, she was crying in her bed because she had just had a nightmare, and and she cried so much that she made the light bulb in her room explode. Her parents were relieved that she had magic in her because for them, her magic manifested itself very late.