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Iris Redwood
09 Dec 2011
Featherstone, England
First year, Ravenclaw
24,3 cm chestnut wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description:Iris has long black hair with very light skin and emerald green eyes.I'm kinda skinny. I am 4'10 and height 102 lbs.

Mental Description:I have small anger issues. I like to read, watching basketball, and play with my younger siblings. I don't like football,broccoli, or bullies. I love to bake with my mom too. I also like to dance

Biography:I lived in a small house in the city. I lived with my mother and 2 younger siblings. All of us kids share a bedroom with a bunk bed and a trundle bed. I was a very quiet kid so I didn't make many friends. When I got home from school i would do my chores and then play in our backyard.

First Instance of Magic:I was at the park with my two younger siblings and they were minding their own business but then 2 bullies started picking on them.I walked up and told the bullies to knock it off but they kept picking on them even more. I began to lose my temper. I started to calm myself down and told my siblings to go to the swing set. I began to push my sibling on the swing set. My phone rang so i walked over to it. My mom texted me asking if everything was good so i said "yeah just a few bullies but I'll handle them." after i was done typing i looked back at my siblings and the bullies were back. I walked over and started to tell them if they don't leave they will regret it then the bullies said "what are you gonna do?" I looked at the bullies in rage. After like 5 seconds they started to float. I looked back at my sibling and they looked shocked. i said "Um... how about we go home..?" Then we went home.