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Byron Manor
07 Nov 2011
London, England
First year, Hufflepuff
24,7 cm holly wood and phoenix feather
I am Byron Manor, a young man in a suit and tie. My brown eyes reflect a sense of determination, and my dark brown hair, meticulously styled with a generous amount of gel, exudes a polished charm.

Loyalty is the cornerstone of my character, and I stand unwaveringly by the side of my friends. In the complex dance of life, I find strength in the bonds forged with those I hold dear. My loyalty isn't just a trait; it's a guiding principle that shapes my actions and decisions.

Before my journey into the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, my life was a tapestry woven with the threads of an esteemed wizarding family. The Manor lineage, deeply rooted in pure-blood traditions, shaped my early years. My family home, an opulent residence nestled in a secluded part of the magical world, echoed with the whispers of ancient spells and held the weight of generations of magical knowledge.

My parents, staunch advocates of pure-blood supremacy, instilled in me a sense of pride in our heritage. Though the atmosphere at home was formal and structured, it was also a haven of magical wonders. My father, a formidable wizard, passed down his expertise in ancient magical arts, while my mother, a mistress of etiquette in wizarding society, molded me into a refined and poised individual.

My first instance of accidental magic occurred at the age of ten during a formal gathering at Manor. Frustration and a desire to break free triggered an unexpected surge of magic. Objects levitated, and the air crackled with energy. Amid confusion and awe, I felt a mix of isolation and newfound power. My parents oscillated between pride and concern, and the pure-blood society murmured in response. It became a pivotal moment, shaping the dynamics of my family and adding anticipation and uncertainty to my upcoming journey to Hogwarts.