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Kaz Bonny
21 May 2012
Dublin, Ireland
First year, Hufflepuff
23,3 cm chestnut wood and jackalope antler
Physical Description: slightly wavy dark brown hair that ends mid shoulder, soft brown eyes, relatively tall for his age, twin dragon necklace on a black leather cord always around their neck, purple ring with black outline on his right thumb, chipped dark red nail polish.

Mental Description: Social anxiety, constantly fidgeting with ring and necklace for stimulation, ADHD, very creative and can be quite smart when he chooses to be, easily distracted, kind, somehow very good at telling lies and walking near silently everywhere he goes.

Biography: he grew up in a relatively secluded house where he was babied quite frequently by both of his parents (despite his insistence that they start treating him like he is older) discovered that he really enjoyed gardening, didn’t make many friends due to his parents being quite strict when it came to befriending other people, his issues with reading social cues, and him being an introvert.

First Instance of Magic: When he was around nine he was in the garden with his father gardening when his father left and he got so frustrated trying to do something that the plants around him started to grown rapidly without him noticing. By the time his father had come back out the plants had formed something resembling a barrier around him as if to protect him.