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Luna Ambers
09 Jul 2012
Leicester, England
First year, Gryffindor
30,6 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:

Luna Ambers has long and straight ginger hair and amber eyes. She is 4”8 and 11 years old. She also has some freckles but they are barely seen as they appear more in light or during summer.

Mental Description:

Luna is a curious, friendly yet also a bit ambitious person. She usually prefers to be around people and likes to daydream. She likes doing creative stuff like crafting and writing. She also likes adventures and trying out new activities. She can be very enthusiastic at times.


Luna has a wizard dad and muggle mother, she also has an older sister who graduated from Hogwarts just before it was Luna's time to join in. She interacts with her mother and sister pretty well but her relationship with her father is a bit complicated, he works in the Ministry of Magic and quite busy to spend quality time with her family.

She was really looking forwards to following the Hogwarts learning and experience steps like her dad and her sister. But before, she had to deal with prep school. She had a few friends there but they weren't so close and honestly Luna was looking more towards the future witch and wizard friends anyway.

First Instance of Magic:

Her first accidental magic happened at 7 years old. During that time, her sister was a 3rd year student at hogwarts and she was quite jealous of her. When her sister came back home for the holidays they decided to all dinner together as a family. After a while Luna's sister started to talk about her adventures at Hogwarts. Luna really loved her but couldn't help feeling so jealous and a bit angry too, after the dinner her sister went to her room and Luna followed her. She wanted to take a look at her Hogwarts books as her sister was doing other stuff. She picked one book but as soon as she did so, her sister asked what she was doing. In a childishly jealous manner Luna turned back to her sister admitted what she's been thinking. Her sister just told her that she just needed to wait, but Luna got angry and said that she didn't wanna wait for years and how it was unfair, at the heat of the moment she even told his sister that she wished she never came home. She immediately regretted it when she noticed the sad look on his sister's face but then she also seemed suddenly a bit surprised and told Luna to look back at the book, and then when Luna suddenly turned back she got a glimpse of the book pages turning fastly on its own and that changed her mood for slighly better when she realized she just unintentionally did her first instance of magic. She apologized to her sister later.