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Jacob Thorley
05 Aug 2012
London, England
Second year, Slytherin
27,9 cm cherry wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Jacob is relatively tall for his age, standing exactly at 5'0 tall, and has a relatively slim build. He has bright blue eyes, that stand out as quite noticeable against his pale skin tone. Likewise his dark brows stand out, as they contrast greatly with his light blonde hair that is usually allowed to do as it wishes. Despite his lack of care for his hair, it often falls quite nicely into a presentable manner. Most of the time, he is seen wearing an incredibly self-assured and confident grin, or otherwise, looking entirely impassive.

Mental Description: Jacob brims with confidence, often far too much confidence if anything. Even if he has never attempted something before, there wouldn't be a shred of doubt in Jacobs mind that he would be able to execute it perfectly. In a lot that he does, he is somewhat of a perfectionist, growing very agitated if he isn't able to do something to his own standards, be that cast a spell, make a potion, or homework, whatever it may be. He is also spoilt, having very rarely heard no throughout his childhood, causing him to somewhat struggle with authority figures.

Despite his tendency to grow agitated at himself at times, he is generally a very calm individual, trying to think through situations, rather than reacting with emotion, which was a value instilled by his father. Similarly, he inherited ambition and curiosity from his father, aspiring towards high positions in the ministry.

Biography: The Thorleys, Jacob's fathers family, and the Ashtons, Jacobs mothers family, are a pair of old aristocratic pureblooded families, meaning Jacob lived an incredibly privileged childhood, often being spoilt rotten. Yet equally, there was much expectation him, as the sole heir to both families. Being that both families are old, they still hold old fashioned views on many things, particularly around Blood Status, which Jacob began to pick up on as he grew older, not helped by the many tutors his parents hired, all of whom shared similar views.

Jacobs father works as an Auror, holding a reputation of being incredibly efficient, and skilled at his job. His mother, however, did not work, instead acting as a socialite and representative of both families, in various social gatherings for pure-blooded families, or families of ministry workers. Jacob was dragged along to many of these meetings as a child, very much against his will.

Jacob aspires to follow in his fathers footsteps, having developed an interest in Defence Against the Dark Arts, prior to even having started Hogwarts, after listening to his father recall his various exploits on the job.

First Instance of Magic: When Jacob was still a young child, his mother had placed his toy on a shelf far out of his reach, and despite his best efforts at trying to find a way to climb, and retrieve it. He was completely unable to find anyway up, and began to feel annoyed. As this frustration grew, suddenly the shelf that was holding his toy snapped, causing all the books, and his toy, to come clattering down onto the ground. Without him even realising, causing that shelf to snap had been his first instance of magic.