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Mye Copper
Wizard born
19 Sep 2011
Oxfordshire, England
First year, Hufflepuff
20,5 cm chestnut wood and rougarou hair
Physical Description: Average height (4'9"), Distinct green eyes, Brown and wavy hair, pale complexion, Skinny arms and legs. She has freckles along her face and nose bridge. Her appears to be tended to often and is silky smooth, although it is quite curly.

Personality: Quiet and observant, does not speak with others unless needed, Quick witted and smart, Shy. She will often get upset at things when they do not go her way (i.e. Failing a test, Missing a birthday, Not getting a good seat, etc).

Biography: Born in Oxfordshire, England. Soon after being born her parents were killed by a man named Theophilus Meryp using the killing curse. She was then transfered to a British couple that raised her, their names being John and Marianne Fiddle. This couple were kind but never really connected with her.As for friends, she never made any except for two (James and Ben). Ben and James are good friends of hers and she has known them since the age of 8. The three were inseperatable until both of them moved away to Scotland.

First Instance of Magic: One day after failing a test during her 5th year of grade school (10y), she yelled as loud as she could and suddenly the writing on everyones' tests changed to zeros as well.