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Matias Newton
05 Jun 2012
Perth, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
28,6 cm cherry wood and dragon heartstring
I have brown hair, and dusty blue eyes, I am tall (4' 11") with broad shoulders. My hair is a beautiful lengthly mullet. I like to wear a sandy gray-green wizards hat with a bent top as a tribute to my fallen purebloods.
And what I meant about the perth england I meant perth, Scotland

I like to play quidditch or read in my free time. I am a chaser in quidditch.
My favorite book is traveling with trolls. Even though lockhart is a scam I still worship him. I collect gobstones. I hate mudbloods and muggles like my parents.

My life before hogwarts was amazing my parents gave me everything even though we were barely scraping by in life. My father was a worker at witch weekly and my mother a die-hard holyhead harpies fan. My one sister died in her early life because of a lung defect. My two brothers are babies and have just left the crib.

My first accidental underaged wandless magic happened when I was 7 and playing at park when to big kids barged through slamming me to the ground. I got mad. Really mad. I jumped to my feet and pushed him, and he fell up. He fell up into the air farther and farther until I heard a pop and he plumited to the ground. I was grounded then for six weeks, talk about a rough day!