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Ivy Callaghan
09 Mar 2012
Arbroath, Scotland
First year, Slytherin
32,3 cm aspen wood and unicorn hair
Physical Description: Ivy stands at 4 ft 10 in in height. She has pale, fair skin with rosiness in her cheeks and forehead and sprinkles of freckles across her cheeks, nose and forehead. Her hair is chest length and a fiery red in colour that is usually wavy from the braids she sleeps in at night. Her eyes are wide and deep blue in colour with dark, short lashes decorating them. She is often wearing skirts, dresses, and t shirts that hold an array of bright colours. She wears ribbons in her hair, sometimes flowers braided into them. She wears gold jewellery gifted to her by her grandmother; a simple necklace with her birthstone as a gem, an antique ring on her right ring finger, a pair of small antique golden hoops and a delicate golden charm bracelet on her left wrist.

Mental Description: Ivy is an introverted, relatively quiet girl. She sticks to herself and always has. Although she's friendly and by no means someone to be seen as typically mean, she prefers her own company or that of a very select few. She's imaginative, and very intelligent, with a love for learning. She's always one to ask questions in any matter and loves finding the answers. She's very loyal and kind to those she loves, she is able to find the light and humour in many situations as a way to keep herself optimistic. Although she struggles with feeling overwhelmed and anxious, she works hard to keep herself calm and collected. Routine is important to her, she likes to keep herself clean and organised as well as her surroundings.

Biography: Ivy was born to Elaine and Cillian Callaghan in Arbroath, Scotland. She has two older brothers, Alexander who is 16 and Jamie who is 12 as well as three younger sisters; Rose (10), Isla (5) and Ava (2). Her whole family are muggles and she grew up surrounded in muggle culture and education. Out of her siblings, she is closest to Jamie and Rose.

She attended an all-girls Catholic primary school and was always studying very hard. She took part in as many extra-curricular as possible that were offered to her by the school such as ballet, chess club, swimming and drama club. Ivy had a few close friends in primary school that she loved dearly and when receiving her Hogwarts letter and finding out she was a witch, she made sure to keep contact with her closest friends through letters.

First Instance of Magic: Ivy had been in her bedroom, laying in bed when she had wanted to read before bed, however before she had the chance to even think of getting out of bed to get her book, it flew towards her and straight onto her bed. It scared her and shocked her but she thought she had imagined it but after that, more strange things began happening.