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Kyrus Gaun
Wizard born
31 Dec 2011
London, England
First year, Slytherin
27,9 cm cherry wood and snallygaster heartstring
Physical Description: Kyrus is of average height for his age, roughly between 4 feet 11 inches and 5 feet, with a build that is slim to medium, typical of pre-teens. He has brown hair but it is often caught between the hues of light caramel to dark, due to the light. Always slightly tousled.

Mental Description: He's a cauldron of mixed emotions and thoughts. Inherently curious, with a mind that whirls with questions about the world around him, especially the unseen and the magical. His intelligence is keen, eager to absorb every detail and lesson Hogwarts has to offer. There's an underlying bravery to him, not yet fully tested, but it's there—a willingness to step into the unknown, to face challenges head-on. Yet, alongside these traits, there's a natural anxiety about fitting in, about making friends. About living up to the expectations that come with being a student at such a prestigious institution. Above everything, he is ambitious. Ready to make achievements and a name for himself.

Biography: Kyrus's life was steeped in the rich traditions and expectations of a pure-blood wizarding family. Born into a lineage known for its magical prowess and contributions to the wizarding world, his early years were a blend of privilege and pressure. Growing up in a grand, ancestral home filled with magical artifacts and centuries of history, he was constantly reminded of his heritage and the role he was expected to play in continuing the family's legacy.

His upbringing was strict yet loving, with parents who valued discipline and the study of magic above all. They instilled in him a deep respect for the magical community's customs and laws, as well as an awareness of his place within it. Magic was not just a part of his life; it was his lifeblood, present in every aspect of his daily routine, from enchanted toys as a toddler to his very first broom flight under the watchful eyes of his family.

Despite the weight of his lineage, he was a typical boy in many ways, playful and sometimes mischievous, finding joy in the simple pleasures of exploring the vast grounds of his home or delving into the family's extensive library to read about magical creatures and famous wizards. His parents, recognizing the importance of social connections within their world, often hosted gatherings for other pure-blood families, providing him the opportunity to interact with children his age, though these interactions were always tinged with the unspoken expectation of forming advantageous friendships.

His closest companions were cousins and the children of his parents' friends, relationships born out of tradition rather than genuine affinity in many cases. Yet, he managed to forge a few sincere friendships, bonding over shared interests and the universal experiences of youth, even within the confines of their elite world.

Despite the luxuries and the lore that filled his days, there was an undercurrent of isolation—a sense of being different from the non-magical world he saw little of but heard about in hushed tones. This isolation was mitigated by the anticipation of attending Hogwarts, a dream instilled in him from a young age, not just as a rite of passage but as a doorway to understanding his true potential and the wider world of magic beyond the gates of his family estate.

First Instance of Magic: This occurred when he was just six years old, a vivid demonstration of the magic coursing through his veins, waiting for the right moment to surface. It was a quiet afternoon, the kind that filled his sprawling family home with a sense of stillness, save for the soft whisper of the wind through the ancient trees that dotted the estate.

He was in the garden, a vast expanse of green that had always felt like another world to him, playing a solitary game of make-believe among the flowers and statues that his ancestors had enchanted to move and whisper secrets of the past. Lost in his imagination, he didn't notice the approach of a garden gnome, curious and bold, drawn by the laughter of a child.

The gnome, in its mischievous manner, decided to startle him, popping out from behind a bush with a loud, "Boo!" Startled and momentarily frightened, his instinctive reaction was a burst of uncontrolled magic. The flowers around him suddenly sprang to life, their colors brightening and petals spinning like dancers, creating a protective circle around him. The gnome, taken aback by the sudden display, scurried away in surprise, leaving him in the center of a whirlwind of color and motion.

As quickly as it had happened, the magic dissipated, the flowers settling back into their natural state, albeit a bit more vibrant than before. He stood there, wide-eyed, heart racing, not fully understanding what had happened but feeling a deep, exhilarating sense of power. It was his first undeniable proof of the magic within him, a spontaneous expression of his emotions and potential.

This incident became a cherished family tale, recounted with pride and a touch of awe at family gatherings.