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Mia Fuzy
14 Oct 2011
Tonbridge, England
First year, Slytherin
35,4 cm walnut wood and horned serpent horn
56.7 in. tall, brown eyes, deep brown hair, freckles across her nose and under eyes, skinny, hair is usually in a ponytail or down and naturally wavy.

Likes to read, write, explore, garden, draw, take care of animals, and creatures, go on hikes and rides on horse trails, swim, the culinary arts, running track, pottery making, learning about the greek Gods and Goddesses, math, science, and fencing. She is kind and shy and mostly keeps to herself.

She has moved constantly around the U.S., and then when her father wanted to retire they moved to England (Tonbridge, England), she was always trying to hide away at school. Has read 13 different book series, and written a book of her own that is children's fiction which she is hoping to start the second soon, though she has never let anyone read it.

When she was ten years old her first incident with magic was when she was having a particularly bad day and her little sister wanted her to play tag but she declined, so her sister kept asking her until she finaly had enough and was overly annoyed and a glass cup in the cupboard broke. The ministry didn't have a hard time with this because it was inside of their house so they were the only ones who knew what had happened. The ministry quickly revised the mother and younger child's memory and everything was as good as new.