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Mia Fuzy
14 Oct 2011
Tonbridge, England
Second year, Slytherin
35,4 cm walnut wood and horned serpent horn

In the quiet of twilight, where raindrops kiss the earth,
Mia stands, her wavy hair a cascade of chestnut hues.
Her eyes, deep pools of brown, hold secrets untold,
Kindness etched in every glance, forgiveness in her gaze.

But beware, for beneath that gentle exterior lies a tempest,
A fierceness that awakens when boundaries are crossed.
She's the lightning in the storm, fierce and unyielding,
A force to be reckoned with, a tempest unchained.

Mia finds solace in the pages of old books,
Her heart lost in tales of adventure and mystery.
As rain taps on her window, she dreams of distant lands,
Where lightning dances across the sky, painting constellations.

And when the thunder roars, Mia runs,
Her feet pounding the wet pavement, wild and free.
She chases the storm, arms outstretched,
Yearning for the thrill of life's untamed currents.

An adventurer at heart, she seeks hidden paths,
Guided by the rhythm of raindrops and thunderclaps.
Through forests and meadows, she weaves her own story,
Leaving footprints in the mud, a testament to her spirit.

So here's to Mia, the quiet storm,
The lightning dancer, the fierce and forgiving.
May her journey be filled with rain-soaked wonder,
And may she always chase the lightning across the sky.
Phisical Description
56.7 in. tall, brown eyes, deep brown hair, freckles across her nose and under eyes, skinny, hair is usually in a ponytail or down and naturally wavy.
Mental Description
Mia is quiet, kind, and forgiving. That is untill she's not. It may be hard to get her to the breaking point but when she gets there she's feirce. She likes to pass time with reading, writing, or simply watching the rain gently hit her window, thinking. She is allways looking for adventure, which is why she wants to ride animals, and even try fencing! She allso loves greek mythology, and you can usualy find her with her nose stuck in a book, though she is surprised, but fine with not getting Ravenclaw.
Mia is... different. Here is some stuff she would use to describe herself.

1. **Rain**: Symbolizing her quiet moments by the window, lost in contemplation.
2. **Books**: Mia's love for reading and her curiosity about the world.
3. **Journal**: Where she pours out her thoughts and emotions.
4. **Forgiveness**: Reflecting her kind and compassionate nature.
5. **Adventure**: Her desire to explore, seek new experiences, and ride animals.
6. **Mythology**: Connecting her to ancient tales and epic quests.
7. **Solitude**: The peaceful moments she craves.
8. **Ink**: Representing her writing and creativity.
9. **Thunderstorms**: The fierce side of Mia when pushed to her limits.
10. **Pages**: Signifying her constant search for knowledge and inspiration.

Mia's personality is a beautiful blend of quiet introspection, resilience, and a thirst for adventure. 🌧️📚✍️

In the quiet of the twilight, under the moon's gentle glow,
Lives Aigeus, the owl, with eyes that keenly show.
His feathers, a soft whisper, in the dance of the night,
Mia's companion in silence, a shadowy delight.

Though at times he's a rascal, a thief in the light,
Stealing morsels from Mia, to her playful spite.
He swoops and he soars, on silent wings he'll glide,
Hunting for his supper, where the field mice hide.

But when Mia's heart is heavy, when her day turns sour,
Aigeus perches beside her, in that gloomy hour.
With a nuzzle, a hoot, he's her solace, her friend,
His presence, a balm, her spirits to mend.

For in those great big eyes, there's a world unseen,
A sage in feathers, where wisdom has been.
Annoying, yet endearing, a paradox of flight,
Aigeus, the great horned owl, a creature of the night.
