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Maxwell Halliwell
Wizard born
31 Oct 2011
Tetbury, England
First year, Ravenclaw
25,0 cm chestnut wood and phoenix feather
Appearance:Young looking boy with dark hair with tones of ash in it dark blue eyes and semi pale skin.
Mental Description:[/b] confused his magic has reach a level of uncontrollable.seems to have a fight of restrain as his magic tends to go from 0 to 100

Biography: Grown in a farm with his wizard father never truly honing the skill of his magic focused on the family farm and nothing else, his magic now acting a bit excessive and untamed since going to a camp over the summer where city boys where not to keen of him.

First Instance of Magic: one night in summer camp before his letter to Hogwarts arrived a couple of wizard boys were teasing him in his tent on a camp out night where an incident occurred. They had chased him from the lake shooting popping candy whoppers at his feet and he had to hide in his tent. There as they shook his tent intensely he closed his eyes an covered his ears in panic!. Then suddenly loud low cracking and wood snapping sounds came from all around. The boys outside the tent screaming in fear. Help! Help! Help! Then it all went silent and he could only hear murmurs. As Maxwell steps outside the tent slowly he sees of five of the boys strapped to the round bounded by the roots of nearby trees all their hands bounded to the ground and mouths covered. He has nightmares of this night since and any other time of high fear or anger leads to his magic kinda going crazy!