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Miriam Kendricks
03 Dec 2012
Brighton, England
First year, Hufflepuff
28,6 cm chestnut wood and dragon heartstring
Physical Description:
Face: heart-shaped, freckles
Eyes: Almond-shaped, green, long lashes
Eyebrows: Soft arch
Nose: Button
Mouth: Full lips
Hair: Waist-length, red, curly
Stature: Short, petite

Mental Description:
Miriam is very study-focused. She spends much of her spare time reading in a quiet place. Though, she doesn't mind company. She's very mild-manners, sweet, and isn't one to raise her voice.

Miriam comes from a large family.
Her parents, Woodrow(pure-blood) and Adelaide Kendricks(half-blood), have ten children, most of whom were adopted, Miriam and her twin sister Katherine included.
Her biological parents were both halfblood and lived in the wizarding world.
Her closest friends are Enoch Knight and Anastasia Crane, who share a lot of her same interests. Though, Enoch is a bit more of a troublemaker.
Growing up, Miriam had a lovely childhood, tons of siblings to play with, and just waiting for her letter to arrive so she could finally start school.

First Instance of Magic:
Her first instance of accidental magic happened around the age of seven. It had been a hot summer day and some older wizard kids had decided to try and pick on Miriam and her sister Katherine. Her sister got into a fight, which had Miriam attempting to break it up. Fed up, she shouted for them to quit it, and a sudden unseen force separated all the kids, thus putting an end to the scuffle.